Monday, April 20, 2009

To be consumed

This poem has been sitting in my little draft book for a while. I have reworked it and given it a title. I could never name it before, as I was worried that the name might betray the person who made me feel this way.

Loneliness is a hacking, domineering emotion, and especially sad when you really shouldn't be alone at all. It eats me up, like the disease consumption, and isn't easily overcome.

I feel that the last line is the strongest, and that the whole poem builds to this moment. The silence of loneliness isn't that quiet at all. It allows your own brain to go into overdrive, and it's all of the terror, sadness and longing that is felt that can get too loud.

Let me know what you think



  1. wow you're very brave- putting it all out there! I wish I could write like that.
